Hello my blogging friends and family... yes I have switched my blog for the 3rd and FINAL time.... this will be a pretty long post as I want to catch you up on what has been happening in my world for the last year or so....
This is my very first post I did on the blog Journey to Isabella... posted Nov.24,2006
Beginning of our Journey to Isabella
The beginning of our journey started around June 2006 when I was looking on the internet to research adoptions. We were not quite sure what country we where interested in , so I just started reading different web-sites to research all options.
Finally on Sept. 5, 2006 we sent our application to Faithful Adoptions . On Sept. 8, 2006 we were approved by the agency , but then had to make sure that China was okay with the marriage and divorce issue.
John & I have been together for 5 years and were just married on April 22, 2006, but we both have had previous marriages.
We got the okay from China, but the next step was Arizona laws..
Then on Sept. 11 ,2006 we found out that Arizona's law is that you have to be married for 1 year. So we have to wait until the 1st of January to start our homestudy.
In the mean time we have been getting birth certificates, divorce degrees , etc.
On October 28, 2006 we got the blog's from Faithful Adoptions with 4 families that were in China to pick up their precious little girls.. It was the most amazing journey .
November 7, 2006 - I ( Kim ) filed for my passport
We also got the contract from Faithful Adoptions...
November 10 , 2006 - Talked to Terri about our homestudy ( Arizona Children Association) , she is going to send the paperwork so we can get started on the paperwork.
November 14,2006 - John filed for his passport.
November 16,2006 - We signed the Adoption Agreement and I started the letter for " The 100 Good Wishes Quilt "
Well my Journey to Isabella has come to an end... Today marks my 5 year LID date for the wait to my precious girl...I have had emails and phone conversations that have lasted a long time with my agency and have gotten nowhere.... I would never recommend them and all I can say is on the Journey to Isabella I have met the most AMAZING people and will continue to meet the most AMAZING families.... I have found my BFF's for life and have more nieces and nephews then anyone could wish for...
Please do not try and give me advice on what to do next... believe me I have heard it all and I have done what I could with my agency... not being rude but this is not an easy situation ... I have prayed more in last year or so then I have in my life... and will continue to do so.... God has moved me in another direction in my life and I will follow.. never know where he might guide me....I have gone through 30 bins of hand-picked items that I have picked out -had made-was given to Isabella... I have given soo much stuff to the nieces that I love sooo much... Everyone kept saying are you ok and they felt bad... I didn't feel bad... I know that every single thing that I gave to one of my nieces is being worn with the love of their cousin Isabella.... they are being used and that is all that I care about...
So now on to a brighter note... this blog is my new beginning in my life and we will just have to see where that is taking me.... I hope I keep my faithful blogging friends and that this doesn't keep you away.... I know I lost a bunch when I got a divorce... but guess what... I am fine with that .. because they were not true friends.... friends are people who stick with you through the good and bad... and I will be honest.. I don't have a lot of TRUE friends... because there are not a lot of true people out there....
HAPPY 5 Years of waiting for the most AMAZING Babygirl.... she will forever live on in my HEART....
( stay tuned.... have a few things that I am doing to represent my Journey to my Asian Princess -Isabella-some will be surprised and some will not)